Hey guys! I'm going to apologize in advance for a briefer blog post. As it turns out, I've already talked about everything I'm planning to include in my final paper; there might be a bit more detail, but these blogs should give you an idea of the topics I'm going to cover and the arguments I'm planning to make.
Unfortunately, the final paper is a lot harder than I was expecting it to be! I've finished an outline and the skeleton of the paper, but right now I'm struggling to fill it in so that I can create a persuasive argument that isn't too repetitive; (you'd be surprised how many times I've used the word "Econophysics" in the first three pages alone...) not to mention citations, which are close to the top of my list of least favorite things.
Everything else about my project is winding down; I'm meeting with Dr. Frieden as usual next Tuesday, but most likely for the last time, and of course I've also begun work on my final presentation. Due to scheduling conflicts, I didn't go into the lab this past week like I thought I was going to, but I'm planning to make up that time this coming week, in addition to finishing my final paper and presentation draft.
I actually have family in town this weekend, so I haven't had time to do much of anything (hence the really short blog post), but I'll resume what's left of my project on Monday. Have a great week, everyone!
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